Renewable Energy News in India

Complexities of integrating Renewable Energy into India’s grid

In 2014, India unilaterally announced plans to quadruple Renewable Energy (RE) to 175 GW by 2022, an ambitious target that required an annual growth (CAGR) of over 25 percent. Since then, growth has exploded, especially for grid-scale solar power, which is meant to be 100 of the 175 GW RE targeted.

Until recently, RE was a limited if not a fringe player—even in FY2017 its share of overall generation was only 6.7 percent at a gross level, but the share is rising rapidly. Per targets, this would reach over 19 percent of total demand by 2022.  Despite this growth, and the high targets India has set its sights on, a previous Brookings research report points out that there are significant political and economic contradictions that may hinder these dreams from turning into a reality.  This paper examines grid integration as a subset of challenges for scaling RE, with financing, contracting, regulation, market design, technology risks, etc. as other issues that will impact the growth trajectory.

The challenges of grid integration for higher RE

Rapid growth in renewables poses challenges for grid operations and has various implications on the finances of distribution companies (Discoms), consumer tariffs and incumbent power generating companies, especially traditional thermal power plants. Integrating renewables at this scale with limited impact on tariffs, minimised curtailment rates, and with stable grid operations will require careful technical studies and discussion of tradeoffs, instruments, and risk-allocation.

In this paper, we focus on some of the major knowledge gaps when it comes to planning for and adapting to the rapid expansion of renewable energy power in India. We begin by giving an overview of the power grid in India, and what the broad challenges of RE integration are. We identify major questions that need to be addressed by the government and the energy policy research community in terms of understanding the system-level costs of RE.

News Date: 08-Nov-2018

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